Hello Everyone,

We will have Sunday school and Sevika sangham at 9 am. We will have Holy Qurbana service in Malayalam on 11/26/2017 at 10:15 am.

We will have our Thanksgiving prayer and dinner at the church at 6:30pm on Saturday 11/25/2017. Please do plan to attend.

As Christmas is fast approaching we have to step up and start practice for our Christmas eve program. All Sunday school students and youth are requested to please come to the church at 3:30 pm on Saturday 11/25/2017 so we may begin the practice and planning.

Our annual house to house carols will begin on 11/26/2017 and will start after service at church. As in the past our caroling begins the weekend after thanksgiving and the caroling will be in the South area. Please do plan to join in as this is a time we all get to visit the homes of our parishioners and spread the joy of the Christmas season.

John Jacob