Hello Everyone,

We will have Sunday school and Sevika sangham at 9 am. We will have Divine service in Malayalam on 10/29/2017 at 10:15 am.

After Sunday service there will be class for the Sunday school students, youth and anyone interested to help familiarize our Mar Thoma Liturgy in both English and Malayalam. This is to enable everyone to follow and understand the liturgy irrespective of being Malayalam or English. This will help our children and youth participate and be involved in our service. All parents are requested to please plan to stay back and have your children attend as it is our moral and spiritual duty to enable and guide our children in the right path. Refreshments will be served as it is planned after service.

There will be hallelujah night at 7pm on Saturday 10/28/2017 at the church. This is a time when children can dress up as Christian or biblical characters and also an event to showcase their talents as well. This is open to all members of our parish and I urge each of you to plan to attend. If anyone would like to participate please contact Mr. Alwin George who would be coordinating the event at 9547320755.

John Jacob