Date Lessons Epistle-Gospels Evening
1 Wednesday Wednesday
C.H. 313 Isa. 28:14-29 Lev. 16:1-28
Col. 1:9-22 1 John. 4:7-20
St. Mat. 24:29-51 St.Mat.25:1-13 St. John. 6:60-70
2 Thursday Passover Thursday – Eucharist: The Remembering
Exo. 12:1-17 1 Cor. 11:23-34 Gen. 22:1-14
C.H. 316 Heb. 9:1-15 St.Mat.26:17-30 Heb. 5:1-14
St.Mat.26:1-16 1 Cor. 11:23-34
3 Friday Good Friday – Cross: Death of Death
C.H. 137 First Service Second Service
C.H. 146 Isa. 53:1-12 Zech. 13:1-9
C.H. 147 1 Pet. 1:1-25 Gal. 3:1-22
C.H. 148 St. Mat. 26:47-75 St. Mat. 27:1-44
Third Service Evening
Num. 21:1-9 Dan. 2:26-45
Heb. 3:1-19 2 Thes. 2:1-12
St. Mat. 27:45-56 St.Mat.27:57-61
4 Saturday Holy Saturday – Hope for the New Life
C.H. 149 Ezek. 37:1-14 Rom. 6:1-11
1 Pet. 3:17-22 St. Mat. 27:62-66
5 Sunday Resurrection: Celebrating the Joy of Salvation
C.H. 154 Exo. 14:5-31 1 Thes. 4:13-18 Isa. 12:1-6
C.H. 158 Col. 3:1-11 St. Mat. 28:1-10 St. John. 20:1-18
12 Sunday New Sunday – Encounter with the Risen Lord (1st Sunday after Easter)
C.H. 380 Gen. 32:22-32 1 Thes. 1:3-12 Ps. 40
Acts. 9:1-18 St. John 20:24-29 Rev. 1:1-8
19 Sunday Identifying Risen Lord in the Work Place (2nd Sunday after Easter)
C.H. 223 Ruth 2:1-18 Acts.16:6-15 1 King. 19:19-21
Acts. 19:36-43 St. John 21:1-14 Jam. 2:1-13
26 Sunday Community formation around resurrection experience (3rd Sunday after Easter)
C.H. 171 Isa. 25:1-9 Acts.2:43-47 Isa. 65:17-25
Acts. 4:32-37 St. Luke 24:13-25 Acts. 23:1-10